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In the pursuit of pain relief and improved quality of life, many people turn to anti-inflammatories, commonly known as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These medications have been a mainstay in the management of various conditions, including osteoarthritis (OA). However, as with any medical intervention, there are risks associated with their use.

Here, we’ll explore the risks of anti-inflammatories, drawing insights from the article “Anti-Inflammatories and OA: Are the Rewards Worth the Risks?”1 published on Dynamic Chiropractic.

Understanding Anti-Inflammatories

Before diving into the risks, it’s essential to understand what anti-inflammatories are and how they work. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of medications widely utilized to combat inflammation, manage chronic pain, and reduce fever. They achieve these effects by inhibiting specific enzymes in the body, namely cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. COX enzymes play a pivotal role in the production of prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances that mediate various physiological processes, including inflammation and pain signaling.

When the body encounters an injury or infection, it responds by triggering an inflammatory cascade. While inflammation is a natural and necessary part of the body’s defense mechanism, it can also result in discomfort, pain, and tissue damage. NSAIDs intervene in this process by blocking COX enzymes, which subsequently reduces the production of prostaglandins. As a result, the inflammatory response is dampened, leading to a reduction in pain, swelling, and fever.

Are There Any Benefits to Anti-Inflammatories?

Anti-inflammatories can offer short term benefits for individuals suffering from OA and other inflammatory conditions. Some of these include temporary pain relief, improved functionality, and enhanced comfort. By decreasing inflammation, anti-inflammatories can enhance joint mobility and function, enabling patients to maintain a higher quality of life. OA often leads to discomfort and stiffness in affected joints, and NSAIDs can alleviate these symptoms, providing a sense of relief and comfort. However, this relief is temporary and, despite these potential benefits, it’s crucial to acknowledge the risks that come with anti-inflammatory drug use.

Exploring the Dangers of Anti-Inflammatories

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a common choice for pain relief, but their use comes with a range of well-documented risks. Among these risks, gastrointestinal problems loom prominently. NSAIDs have the potential to cause stomach ulcers, bleeding, and irritation, leading to unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and, in severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeding.

Another mounting concern is the link between NSAIDs and cardiovascular issues. Some studies have found a connection between these drugs and an elevated risk of heart attacks and strokes, particularly when used at high doses or over extended periods.

A Dutch study spanning six years, involving nearly 1,700 individuals grappling with hip and knee arthritis, delivered startling revelations about the consequences of relying on NSAIDs for pain management. This study uncovered a significant 240% increase in hip arthritis development and an astonishing 320% surge in knee arthritis among those who regularly depended on NSAIDs for pain relief, in comparison to those who infrequently used these medications.2 These findings provoke vital questions about the potential long-term repercussions of NSAID use.

Furthermore, NSAIDs can negatively affect kidney function. Extended use or high doses of these drugs may lead to kidney damage, potentially culminating in chronic kidney disease or acute kidney injury. NSAIDs can also elevate blood pressure, posing particular risks for individuals with hypertension or other cardiovascular conditions. Additionally, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to NSAIDs, which can range from mild skin rashes to severe anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition. Moreover, these anti-inflammatories can interact with other medications, potentially reducing their efficacy or causing harmful side effects. Long-term NSAID use can even lead to tolerance, necessitating higher doses for the same pain relief, thereby increasing the risk of adverse effects and dependency.

In light of these substantial risks, it is imperative to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of NSAID use. It is equally crucial to explore alternative pain management strategies, especially when joint health is at stake. Balancing the need for immediate pain relief with the long-term well-being of your joints is a delicate act, emphasizing the importance of seeking out pain management approaches that do not compromise your joint health.

Balancing Risks and Rewards

When considering the use of anti-inflammatories for managing OA or other conditions, it’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to make an informed decision based on individual health factors and needs.

Alternatives and Lifestyle Modifications

For those who are concerned about the risks of anti-inflammatories, there are alternative approaches to managing OA and inflammation. These may include physical therapy, lifestyle modifications like maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, using topical treatments, and considering joint injections when recommended.

Chiropractic care also presents a compelling long-term alternative to medication for managing conditions like osteoarthritis. Unlike medications, chiropractic care targets the root causes of pain and discomfort, offering drug-free pain management without the risks of adverse side effects or dependency. Chiropractors employ personalized treatment plans, enhancing joint mobility and function while emphasizing prevention and maintenance. This proactive approach can reduce the need for ongoing medication, promote overall well-being, and empower individuals to manage chronic conditions effectively. When considering pain management options, chiropractic care offers a holistic and sustainable path to long-lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Choose Wisely

The use of anti-inflammatories can be a double-edged sword. While they offer short term rewards in terms of pain relief and improved functionality, they also come with a range of life changing risks. To make an informed decision about their use, individuals should consult with their healthcare providers and explore alternative approaches first, like chiropractic care, to managing their conditions. Ultimately, the decision to use anti-inflammatories should be based on a thorough consideration of the risks and rewards, taking into account individual health factors and needs.

For more information, or to schedule and evaluation, contact SportsCare Center today and take the first steps at a healthier pain-free life!


1. Anti-Inflammatories and OA: Are the Rewards Worth the Risks? Dynamic Chiropractic. Thomas Michaud, DC. June 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 6)
Anti-inflammatory drugs and radiological progression of osteoarthritis? The Rotterdam Study. Arthr Rheum, 2005;52;3137-42.